Thursday, May 17, 2007


ON SIGN-UP AMERICA: The push to bring in 24,000 new supporters in two days - AND SET A RECORD - was overwhelmingly successful. According to Steve Sachs (Team Romney, Mid-Michigan's College/Youth Coordinator), "We did it! At 10:15 we hit 24,500! And brought in a ton of contributions. . ." CONGRATS to all you hard working "honorary Mittiots" out there - you're the reason the Romney's will be in the White House come January of '09 (To be sure, with 5 boys, their spouses, and the gaggle of grandchildern - we might have to pass the hat to add another wing to the Ol' Federal Style dandy). FOLLOW-UP ON FRED: Today, our own Saul Anuzis (MIGOP Chairman) blogged his experience while at the SC Debates and some of the Thompson (sorry, Tommy, they're buzzing about the other Thompson) rumors: "Questions were about the potential late entry…could he raise the money…put together an organization…catch McCain, Romney or Giuliani in any states…yes, folks we're intrigued but far from convinced that he would offer a “real alternative”." (Anuzis - 5/17/07) Hmmmmm, "...far from convinced that he would offer a "real alternative"?" I believe your Daily Mittiot made the same conclusion only yesterday. It's time to poop or scoot, Fred. The FoxCam caught Saul at the debate looking dapper and doing "Mitt-chigan" proud. And "some" (we needn't name names) wanted to oust him. . . tisk, tisk - Saul's been an asset to the effort in "righting Michigan." Finally, "THAT'S MY BOY!" Well, they both are - but the little one is actually my offspring. . . a wee little Mittiot. The photo is from the campaign's official website:

~ so sayeth the Mittiot

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