Saturday, December 29, 2007



Here's the prediction - though your Mittiot has been wrong before (I mean who would have thought the Dems would be so stupid re: the Michigan Primary. . . but) - "ROMNEY WINS IOWA."

Not much of a prediction, as he's going to be 1 or 2 for sure - So, what's the kicker? Organization and Money. The Romney team has invested a lot into the organization of Iowa, AND, Romney has had a lot of money to invest into his well-oiled campaign machine in the land of the Hawkeyes. In other words the tipping of scales - especially when talking caucus - comes down to A.) identifying your supporters (done that) and, B.) getting them to the caucus (to be done with great precision).

I've seen - am a part of - Mitt's Michigan Machine and if Iowa's is anything like the Sparton State's - Mitt will win - hence the prediction.

Just a little anecdote to drive home the point. Mackinac Island, last September, BIG REPUBLICAN EVENT/STRAW POLL, Mitt crushes the competition, Huckabee hasn't even enough money to fly out to Michigan's most important GOP fall event. Will he, does he, for Iowa? Fellow Mittiots, this Mittiot is betting "close but no cigar."

At any rate, one thing seems to have become a far gone conclusion, Mitt will be solidly in the top-tier come New Hampshire (and he's lookin' good in MITT-CHIGAN, as well). The question then, is the impact after. . .

The National Review has a good "enter the spin" article here - check it out.

5 Days To VICTORY!

~ so sayeth the Mittiot.


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